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What we do

Geographic Names Victoria (GNV) oversees the naming and registration of:

  • roads
  • features, and
  • localities in Victoria.

We do this by administering the Geographic Place Names Act 1998.

The Victorian Registrar of Geographic Names is appointed by the Minister for Planning.  The registrar has a range of responsibilities.

Geographic Names Victoria (GNV) supports the registrar in these duties.

How we support the Registrar

Maintaining the official Victorian Register of Geographic Names called VICNAMES

The registrar liaises with and receives proposals from naming authorities.

Naming authorities include:

  • municipal councils
  • government departments and authorities
  • some private organisations

Ensuring that proposals follow the naming rules

The registrar is responsible for reviewing naming proposals from naming authorities.

The review is to ensure proposals comply with the naming rules.

Sharing information with interested stakeholders

The registrar regularly communicates with stakeholders including:

  • the general public
  • cartography companies
  • government bodies

Convening committees

To consider naming related issues, the registrar may convene committees with members from the Geographic Place Names Advisory Panel.

Geographic Names Victoria (GNV) has ongoing communication with service providers. These include:

  • the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA)
  • Australia Post
  • other organisations

Our work ensures that place naming in Victoria is consistent with the naming rules and follows best practice.

Consistent naming:

  • ensures public safety
  • reduces issues with service delivery, including locational and mapping issues.

Page last updated: 11/07/23