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Title and property boundaries

When you do a title search, you will receive a register search statement that includes:

  • the current registered proprietor(s)
  • a land description
  • any encumbrances, including mortgages, caveats, covenants and notices
  • a diagram location or source (where to find the sketch of the property)

You can find out how to do a title search on our frequently asked questions page.

If needed, a copy of an instrument, such as a plan, covenant or planning agreement, can be obtained by doing an instrument search. You can do this using LANDATA or an authorised information broker. Visit our where to find information about land titles page for further details.

The diagram location or source document gives an indication of boundary dimensions. However, these boundaries are not guaranteed. Only a licensed surveyor can determine the actual location of your property boundaries. The diagram may also show whether an easement affects the property.

Dimensions of common suburban properties are generally shown with a street frontage and connecting distance to a street corner.

Strata and multi-level developments often include height and depth. It is not uncommon for parcels of land in rural areas to include a reference to a river or creek when describing a boundary.

Changing property or title boundaries can be very complex. You will need a licensed surveyor and, in most instances, a lawyer.

Plans and surveys

There are many types of plans you can search for online.

Historical survey plans and field notes are held at Public Record Office Victoria.

Parish plans define the positions and dimensions of all Crown allotments within a parish. You can search and view parish plans online through LANDATA or an authorised information broker.

Plans of subdivision depict the break-up of a piece freehold land, showing parcels of land (commonly called lots) that can be sold separately.

If you know the plan of subdivision number, you can easily search for a plan online for a fee through LANDATA® or an authorised information broker.

Survey plans and abstracts of field records are certified by licensed surveyors and show a summary of information used by a surveyor to establish the boundaries and dimensions of a piece of land.

These plans commonly show reference marks, building boundaries, fencing and measurement notations.

Historical plans and aerial photos

A collection of historical plans relating to the first 60 years of European settlement in Victoria is available online at Public Record Office Victoria.

The collection includes 8000 plans dating from 1837 and covers all parts of Victoria.

While many of the plans relate to the early land subdivision of Victoria into counties, parishes and townships, other information shown on the plans include:

  • early descriptions of soils and native vegetation
  • the location of huts
  • buildings and other improvements made by squatters
  • tracks used by early settlers
  • the location of pastoral runs
  • early place names

Historical aerial photos from the 1930s to the 1990s are available from LANDATA®.

Central Plan Office

The Central Plan Office is Victoria's virtual storeroom for State Government surveys and plans, as referred to in Victorian legislation.

The Surveyor-General of Victoria, under the Survey Co-ordination Act 1958, has responsibility for plans held by the Central Plan Office. All plans are protected by Crown copyright.

To view Central Plan Office plans, go to LANDATA®.

Page last updated: 11/07/23